Day 62, 2021

March 3


Had 4 of 6 last night and woke up feeling dry and gassy as a result. Ran a news and LET IT DIE, but was pressed to find some solid stories. Partly because I didn’t want to read anymore of the disappointing stories about our government and politics. Had a viewer watching and got some laughs so that was cool. In the time before the evening stream, I got the dailies out(Melodics I did on stream) and just kinda checked out while watching shows and overdosing on social media. Should’ve have been editing footage. Instead I watch Brandon Beswick and The League of Fools streams in tandem.

Started 30mins late for the night. Evening stream was fun as I played Texorcist for the first time. Think that game has potential to be great content. After a bout an hour of that, I ran Melodics tell I hit the 5min daily goal. Jumped into aim lab for a little bit before switching over and running a few rounds of Apex. DJ_Silenze jumped in near the end and blew my mind with the knowledge that Apex Legends is set in the Titanfall 2 universe. Gotta play that game now. After stream stepped out to grab a sixer and some junk food. I finished 2 of 6 from last night and 4 of 6 from this night. Recorded some of stream play and commentary to see if I could get some highlight material. called it after about 45mins and two terrible rounds of COD Warzone. May have a mini mental break as at 3am I made a pot of shells and cheese and took the whole thing up to my room(big spoon and all). Thought to myself that this would make great stand-up material if I ever worked up the never to do it again.

Tip of the day: If you have left over pasta that you want to reheat. Pour boiling water over it. Obviously this is under the assumption you haven’t put sauce on it beforehand.

Day 61, 2021

March 2


Ran the news while playing LET IT DIE. Stream was about 4 hours and actually had some decent interactions with some viewers, which was really fun. After the stream though I felt really tired(mostly in the eyes), so I toke about a 45min nap before getting having an existential crisis. Took the router I bought back to the store as we switched over to Verizon and my roommate bought a router, I think, was more efficient than what I picked up. Got the dalies out before running Melodics on the evening stream. Still record collecting as I found out the deadline is March 8th and that the Melodics site staters to upload evidence of success to instagram. So I had to devise a way to upload the stuff on my computer through the app(because instagram on pc is trash). Had a returning user named ‘dripgodjuju’ drop in and was very active. It’s a lot easier to stream when there’s someone enganing you. After stream, picked up a sixer and chilled while watching Snowpiercer.

Tip of the day: You can use a pen/pencil to open a a bottle of beer. Put the tip under one of the groves. Hold with the tool with one hand making a 45 degree angle between itself and the bottle in the other hand. Slam the the tool on to a hard surface while bring the bottle down with it and the cap should pop off. Be careful though, there’s a chance of chipping the bottle.

Day 26, 2021

Woke up before noon and got into the daily workout after brushing my teeth. Because I hit the halfway mark, now I’m doing the rest of the workouts in the program at lvl III. Still haven’t done a deep clean on the bathroom, but did manage to reorganize and trash a bunch of documents ranging from useless to important. That resulted in a slight domino effect of my room being cleaner. That and the trash I took out yesterday. The operation, all in all, was a few hours long. I had ‘Craig Of The Creek’ the whole time(great kids show). My room is the kind of mess that looks more disorganized than filthy. An assortment of papers, books, tools, components, and toiletries(lotion, hand sanitizer, etc.). One half of my bed I sleep on, the other half is storage.

Did a stream. Was Tuesday, so it was Melodics practice. After an hour I went AFK for a quick bio break then proceeded to edit my scenes like I did live last Wednesday. Made some tweaks, then jumped back into practice for about another 45 mins. I closed out the stream talking about Hacker Boxes and giving props to DJ_Silenze for the work he’s done with his channel and brand. About 30mins. before and shortly after my stream, I was reading Twitch For Dummies. There’s enough information on Twitch’s site about things you want to consider and do when running a channel, the book is just a nice on-hand reference guide for things I haven’t got around to working on yet and finer points about stuff I thought I knew. So far it seems like I’m doing a few things right; scheduling, auto-hosting, punching up my scenes. But there’s always room for improvement. The bare minimum suggested for streaming time is 3 – 5 hours. With the exception of special occasions/situations, my streams have been primarily 2 hours. I think next week I’ll start earlier so I can hit that mark. I’m also going to try and mess around with OBS to see if my options for how my stream looks are any better for me. I still want to design a logo and a banner but have no idea where to start. For now, I’ll just fill in more info in the about me sections of all the media. I kee[ thing about how I got to put together a reel of some kind as an opener. A few streamers do more than a till ‘standby’ image with some music. Some have openers like an actual show. They’re spliced pulls from other games or moments from their stream. Which made me think of how I messed up by not saving any of the footage from my first playthrough of Detroit: Become Human(shit was pure gold).

Then I realized a lot of the highlightable moments I’ve had on stream were from games I either haven’t played before or were very intense in terms of action. Lately, it’s been kind of aimless. Tuesdays are great for talking music and practicing, but what about the ‘just chatting’ days? I still have a back catalog of games to run on the PS4, but really don’t want to stream off the PlayStation unless I get a capture card(which is a whole different issue). My steam library isn’t dead, but it isn’t exactly packed with anything I think will hold an audience’s attention. Star Wars: Squadrons is a great game, with tones of cool moments. But is the fandom there for the dogfights as much as they are the lightsabers? The Hotline Miami games are fun, but are they still relevant? C&C? I did it once and DJ thought it was cool, but as a ‘turtle player’, I don’t want to subject viewers to that. This leaves; Aim Lab(the same issue as Melodics, it’s all about practice), Apex Legends(I have to be in the mood), Hacknet(which actually has potential as using it as a way to talk about computer network concepts), PC Building Simulator(fun for the tech geeks and cathartic), and Death Stranding. While DS might sound like the game that’s gonna be worth running on stream, the general word around the campfire is that the game doesn’t really get good after a significant amount of playtime. This is not going to stop me from playing this because Hideo Kojima. But I could understand that watching someone play spooky FedEx simulator for 4 hours might not be everyone’s cup of tea. I’ve been drinking a lot of tea lately.

Tip of the day: Whenever, possible always make sure you have a first aid kit in your house and/or car.

Day 19, 2021

Started late to day. Real late. First thing I did was type up yesterday’s post, then struggled to to get to the work out. Messed around with Voicemod before stream and I think it’s interesting, but want to see if there’s something cheaper than 40$ a year. Because of all the different programs and volumes I had to manage at once, the first 10min. of the stream is just hand gestures then echos. Eventually I figured it out and stumbled through my Melodics practice. After the stream I was messing around and accidently deleted all the costume work I did to the stream. I got the base them back, but I’d have to fix everything again. Decided to just check out the full version of the Borderline overlay at While it’s what I’ve been using for the past couple of months I found one over there that fits the look I’m going for and will probably spring for it later.

Did technical stuff and updates to the Facebook page and setup the Streamlabs Deck app on my phone. This allow me to change between themes and scenes a lot smoother without having to spring for an Elgato Stream Deck(still want one thought). Currently plotting a cable management solution that will make switching between a work & play setup easier. Definitely going to get the boom mic mount first, then add more memory to the tower. Can probably max out in a month if I play it right. Gotta give another once over of the insides to see what my options are. I’m pretty sure I can through a capture card in there. Just looked. I don’t think I can fit a capture card in there. But there’s enough room in there that I could upgrade the motherboard to something that gives me more PCI slot space. Upon even further review, I have a PCIe x1 slot. That’s all I’d need to hookup a HD60 PRO capture card. Above it would be an AMD Radeon RX 580 graphics card and I think that it would be a super tight fit. Best case is there’s enough clearance that the fans on the Radeon won’t be compromised. Worst case, my research is so piss poor, that I waste money having to upgrade the motherboard and wreck the instillation. The case is large enough to support some upgrades, but I should be smart about how I do it.

Slightly related, I’m going to get the ball rolling on installing that Pi-Hole. I just need this project over with and move on to the next pie based one. Still have to find a purpose for the Zero(I know there’s a Hackerboxes project for it), before I consider picking up a model 4. Gotta budget out the expenies for streaming and projects tomorrow.

Feel into a youtube/window shopping hole now its 3AM(0300). If I fall asleep right now I might wake up with enough to get more done.

Tip of the day: Clean as you cook.