Transcript 217

I watched him, swallowed whole by the void, the man I knew, forever lost. I’ll never forget his screams.   So much pain, the look of terror in his eyes, I knew we were messing with something dangerous.  If I had known this is what we would have put him through,  I never would have agreed to help him.

He saved my life, helped me find my purpose.  And I unwittingly feed him to the cosmic wolves.  This is what he wanted.  I’m not sure he know the risks.   Or maybe he did and decided not to burden me with the details.  The latter makes since.  He probably knew I would stop him.

What could he possibly accomplish by doing this?  Why fight for our lives with such ferocity just to give his up so willing?   Why tell me such painful secrets, only to cast them aside as if they were never uttered?

He told me I wouldn’t be able to comprehend the gravity situation.   He said that when everything is said and done,  that this would be a mere blip on my life’s history.   But I don’t think he took into account the impact he had on me, the drive he invoked in others.

Before he went loudly into that uncertain end, he told me that we would meet again.
I hope we do. Yet, I fear the day he returns. Who’s to say it will be the same man I spoke with?

-End of Capital Registry transcript 217-
Contributor: [Redacted]
Date: [Redacted]
Location: [Redacted]

#372 Ghost Buster

[Beginning Recording]

It’s one of a kind. A training room with hard-light holograms and all the feel of a 70’s basement rec room, or at least that was the default setting is (Still trying to figure out how to change that).  Otherwise, I set it “Hyperbolic Time Chamber” and get to work.  I’m in here at least five to six times a week for 2 hours at a time and am usually asleep for two hours after.  Given the size of the facility and it’s almost countless rooms, I’m not surprised I can get as much time in here as I do alone.  Especially since I’m in hear during the dead period*.  I’ve grown accustom to the neatly organized training weapons set by the wall adjacent to the entrance.  An entrance, by the way, that looks like its doors were ripped off a grocery store, then slapped with forth graders sticker collection at the seams.  Yes, truly one of a kind.

The routine is the same; practice the basics* for the first half-hour, Judo for an hour and a half on Mondays, Krav Maga Tuesdays, Jiu-Jitsu Wednesday, Kendo Thursday, then an hour of various weapons training after which dancing for about thirty minutes on Fridays.  I make extra sure to lock the place down at that time, unless someone’s in here with me, as rare as that is.  But today is Saturday. That means full spar.  Honestly, this is my favorite day.  Ever since I figured out the access and safety overrides I would make the training dummies tougher and the hits harder.  Was only ever seriously hurt once, but thanks to some camera tricks and careful planning, I was able to play it off as a “Work related incident”.  Couldn’t imagine how much trouble I’d get in if they found out how I’ve been doing this.  I guess it’s also good that I created that secure pocket line to my server.  I definitely would’ve have been busted by saved training data by now.

Every time I finish a session, I’ll have to different saves.  A light ghost which usually records my shadow boxing and a heavy ghost that is the culmination of how much damage I’ve done to a dummy.   Standard stuff for the Facility’s system to keep track of, but then there’s the “Poltergeist”.  I created this one special. A Poltergeist exclusively combines the data from my light and heavy ghosts to form a virtually unbeatable opponent. I’ve gotten close once.

Query, how much time is left?

Computer: “One hour remaining.  How would you like to continue your training, in FFA or 1vAll?”

Let’s do 1v3 today, standard push with one weapons variant, urban setting.

Computer: “Very well, set list?”

Something dramatic perhaps?

Computer: “Understood, pausing audio recording. Now playing “Superliminal”, By deadmau5”

Thank you Quartz!

Quartz: “Ready? Fight!”

[Running sub routine: Additional notes.  Quartz recording]

You’re fighting three dummies today.  All dummies are two points above the Facility safety max of ten.  One is armed with a pipe.  I’ve set all dummies to a base style of street fighting per the urban setting.  However, dummy one has a secondary style of boxing, dummy two, Tae Kun Do, and dummy three is loaded with one of your earlier attempts at Kendo and Wu-Shu, as well as the pipe.  The location is a quarter of a city block and you just threw a dummy through a bodega window.  This makes a total of 118 windows you’ve smashed over the course training. Rhythm seems to be up five percent.  You must really like this song.  But you’ve gotten to into at and forgot about the pipe.  Nice save! If you didn’t eat that hit with your arm, you would’ve quite the time playing up broken ribs to the Vines and Medical.  You’ve gotten better at counters, but your situational awareness still leaves much to be desired.  Still, you have impressive reflexes.  Not enough to doge left shot to the back of your kidney.  Look on the bright side, the Facility hasn’t implement urine screening in any of the pluming so you don’t need to answer any questions when you start bleeding.  That is unless you plan curing a jellyfish sting.  You barely make it through these, but you do it anyway.  Statistically speaking you are improving, but the rate is not what it should be for as much work as you put in.  Then again you weren’t chosen for your athleticism.  Which begs the question, why is someone from G&T fighting ghosts like a Legionnaire?

You’ve disarmed and subdued the armed assailant, only took you fifteen minutes this time, but the dummy from the window is back on its feet and pissed.  Keeping your distance to regain some stamina, smart call, forgot to get rid of the pipe though, because now window dummy has it. Seem to be keeping dummy #2 at bay though… Shit!

[Emergency program override]

Quartz: Sorry to cut you short, but we have a problem.  Alarms going off in zones 35-42, you will need to return to your station immediately.

Understood, save whatever ghost data you can, send dummies for the main server.  Oh, and stop adding commentary to my logs until I can explain to you what a backhanded compliment is.

Quartz: My apologies.

Quartz, where is Ruby right now?

Quartz: Searching…. Ruby cannot be located.

Shit, backup everything in the pocket to Sanctuary!  Send a ping out to the Warren, tell them Ruby is missing.  Then kill any outside communication that isn’t coming from Facility personnel or the Warren.

Quartz: On it, now move!

[End of log]